Senior Software Engineer. Developer Xperience team @OpenTable. OpenComponents core team.
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All Sessions by Nick Balestra
Continuous Delivery and DevOps Day
March 9th, 2018
Painless Micro Frontends Delivery
16:00 - 16:45
While microservice architectures allowed teams to scale delivery of independently deployable services, most frontend layers are still run as monolithic applications. Similar to server-side applications, frontend layers often grow into large monoliths that are difficult to maintain and evolve. Building, deploying and consuming frontend components across a diversity of teams and web applications can be a daunting task, especially at scale. To address this issue, at OpenTable we enable fast-moving teams to easily build and deploy front-end components using OpenComponents, an open-source, battle tested, front-end microservice architecture for painless component delivery.
The idea behind frontends is to enable multiple teams to work seamlessy together by fostering end-to-end ownership of independently developed, tested and deployed features.
Think about UI as the composition of features which are maintained by independent teams. These teams could be cross-functional allowing them to develop such features end-to-end, from a database to user interface and independently deploy them.
During this session I'll explain how OpenComponents works, how do we use it at OpenTable and how we allows teams to build ship and consume frontend components at runtime across teams and web applications at scale.